First Dawn

Curly you are such a coward.
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Author:  Ioilo [ Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Curly you are such a coward.

Curly your the type of player that i cannot stand. I ran into you earlier while u were mining and didnt attack which i easily could kill u. U then came b the blacksmith and i said hello. I know we had fights before but i think u thought of it as something entirely else. You hide onscreen and dont show until i leave. Wtf.. next to a guard? really? I got afk for 2 minutes and u glitch the guard and kill me with range over the fence. U tried to loot me but u got guard whacked. So i said fuck that im gonna loot u. U come back when im done looting your corpse and runn over to mine and start looting it again. You get guard whacked.. and u rage log..

I can never go afk here, and it pisses me off. All the other players are respectable enough to leave afkers alone. You NEVER show yourself unless someone is afk. How old r u 14?

Your the type of player we dont need, griefer and immature. GTFO and dont come back.

Author:  Denaro [ Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Curly you are such a coward.

guilds!! i can feel the hate, you two should war!

Author:  Ioilo [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 5:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Curly you are such a coward.

Curly couldn't survive the new patch. He went back to playing WoW, where your always safe! :roll:

Author:  Prodigalist [ Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Curly you are such a coward.

Curly = Bad karma? he guard sits just like him hates you ioilo and thinks hes pro at everything

Author:  Bad Karma [ Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Curly you are such a coward.

Curly = Bad karma? hes chasin me all over brit cuz I couldnt use my exploit anymore and since i suck at pvp so he thinks hes pro at everything


Author:  Bicchus Dicchus [ Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Curly you are such a coward.

Some players playing solely to cause shenanigans = Era Accurate
Having the tables turned on them now and then = Also Era Accurate
Some players becoming so attached to their loot that they would get emotional over losing them = Era Accurate

So much so that they would rage quit or create a forum post complaining about it? Well, how do you think Trammel got started?

Author:  Bad Karma [ Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Curly you are such a coward.

Some players playing solely to cause shenanigans = Era Accurate
Having the tables turned on them now and then = Also Era Accurate
Some players becoming so attached to their loot that they would get emotional over losing them = Era Accurate

So much so that they would rage quit or create a forum post complaining about it? Well, how do you think Trammel got started?

uum..what?? :roll: lol

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