First Dawn

Guide: Stealth
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Author:  Swunk [ Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Guide: Stealth

There is probably a way better way to do this but this is how I've been training it so far. I start at the location below, hide, stealth then walk west a tile, repeat this 50 times then do it again and walk back east. I also wear a heater and no other armor. The 10 AR seems to be enough for training.

I had to add platemail around 85% to 100% the gains slowed down a lot but picked up once I put the armor on.
For ( 1 to 50 )
Exec: Hiding
Pause 11.00sec
Exec: Stealth
Pause 6.00sec
Walk: West
End For
For ( 1 to 50 )
Exec: Hiding
Pause 11.00sec
Exec: Stealth
Pause 6.00sec
Walk: East
End For
!Loop Assistant.Macros.ForAction|50 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1044081| Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:11 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1044107| Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:06 Assistant.Macros.WalkAction|2 Assistant.Macros.EndForAction Assistant.Macros.ForAction|50 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1044081| Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:11 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1044107| Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:06 Assistant.Macros.WalkAction|6 Assistant.Macros.EndForAction

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