Victor spawned in this wall behind his shop and now I can't talk to him.
The NPC at the mage's guild in Britain says he will buy scrolls and pay more for higher circles but you can't sell him any scrolls.
When clicking
a poison field it is spelled
a posoin field.
Por flam scrolls give the spell
Vas Flam when added to a spellbook. This is what the OP in this thread was referring to 2 years ago. ... croll#p755
I think the spellbooks are bugged

When I put Por Flam scroll into my book it didnt add it and I cannot add it again. Says its already present.

I'm almost convinced
In Nox will not poison anything aside from myself plus it's the only spell to my knowledge that I've gained any Magic Defense off of. It may be too easy to resist this spell. Once I get 100% Magic I'll try poisoning more things.
The colored leather that a dire wolf drops cannot be used to craft anything. I wasn't sure if this was intended or not.
On the spellbook gump
Telekinesis is spelled
On the spellbook gump
Magic Missile is spelled
Magic Missle.
The object handle for
a pewter bowl (when a plant is added to it) shows as
Bowl Of Lettuce.
Kal Lor requires 80 mana to cast but consumes no mana. I was not sure if this was intended or not.
After casting
Ort Ylem on a crossbow the message below shows up on it. The word
enchanted is spelled
enanted. In the second image
guidence should be
guidance and
enchanted is messed up again.
The vigor prefix is showing up on special named weapons I guess.
Sevigor rpent Order Sword
Chvigor ampion of Myndon
Britan should be
The bank in Cove does not work.
I double clicked blue quas an lor spell vial that was locked down on Velner's balcony and it consumed and disappeared.
He has another black quas an lor spell vial inside a small chest inside his house that I was also able to consume (although I did not deplete the charges, nor did I purposefully deplete the charges of the blue one on the balcony).
Containers 1-2 tiles away on the inside of houses can be opened from the outside of the house but the contents cannot be removed.