First Dawn

If you need GM support (until Help is re-added)
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Author:  Denaro [ Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  If you need GM support (until Help is re-added)

At the moment we don't have have an active Help tab. We do have a help system but it was removed due to an issue and just hasn't been re-added. Until then the current way to contact me in-game would be:

Send me a message in-game in the Chat System.
(Alt + O to access your player options, the bottom left arrow tab is your hotkeys, set a key for chat to access it easily)


Come to the Counselor's Hall. My office is to the back right of the building with a sign saying Denaro's Office. I'm usually hidden so to easily tell if I'm there or not is to check the crystal on the wall near my door [Active Status]. If it is RED then I am AFK, at work, or something of the sort.
If the light is GREEN then come in and have a seat, I may not be at my PC BUT I check in alot, so just be patient and I will get with you.

Feel free to have some muffins while you wait from the snack table in the lobby.


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