First Dawn

More Ideas
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Author:  Denaro [ Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  More Ideas

Housing Friendship:

The ability to add friendship to a player in your home.

They cannot lock down or release anything, would merely allow them to log out inside your home like having a guest stay in your house. That way if your friend who logs off inside your home, then later logs back in isn't standing outside your front door with the auto boot. Unable to use your home for shelter or safe macroing, and would be a privilege you give only to someone you trust.

Multiple House Keys:

Would be great if the Locksmith in Britain could make copies of a key for a price. That way I could hand out copies of the key to guildmates or friends giving them access to a house as well as giving alternate characters of mine a key for quick access.

Author:  Draconis [ Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: More Ideas

Great ideas. The reasoning behind such basic housing functions limiting things such as transfer, friend and co-owner is that there is such mixed feelings about it. Myself greatly. Im a big fan of vulnerable housing. No lockdowns, protected by a key only etc.. However I have seen here, players down right quit over it. Im going to take a closer look into the housing system and try to balance out the risk and safety.

Duplicate keys is a great idea, ill be adding this to my list for the next update.

Author:  Bad Karma [ Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: More Ideas

While I support having a locksmith who would change the locks and/or duplicate the fee for a price, having friends and other secure options is just out of the era IMO. Players won't be flooding in case you add more secured housing, there are other reasons why they quit or why they miss the oldschool shard, I know as I have been a long term player on many oldschool-based shards for years and housing had nothing to do with players quitting. In fact, vulnerable housing is a feature which only two or three shards out there have, which means the uniqueness of the shard, which in turn should attract players who seek new experience and not chase them away.

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