First Dawn

My status.
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Author:  Draconis [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  My status.

Its been quite the ghost town around these parts for the past month. I just wanted to let everyone know that im still just as anxious and determined to grow this shard into what everyone hopes it can be. Im currently 3200k+ miles away from home. During the summer my job is extremely demanding and requires me to go on long stretches away from home. My scheduled return is on the 19th.

Development has been slow and i have many things promised in line. Luckily i have quite an exciting new feature to get live as soon as i get back. I have also been brainstorming some great new ways to advertise and grow First Dawn. Upon my return i will be doing a massive check list, there are many features which aren't use and those that are incorrectly functioning. The website itself is incomplete and will be getting an overhaul.

I look forward to returning home and picking up the toolbox yet again. Take care.

Author:  linkon [ Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My status.

Im still here also. Been playing D3, lol. Hope all is well.

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