First Dawn

House security.
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Author:  Bad Karma [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  House security.

Well, today Velner got into my house to steal some armor nobody needs. Fine, but I think he should have turned gray so that I wouldnt go crim for attacking an intruder and getting a guard whack a moment later. Thanks.

P.S. Not complaining, but the current system doesnt make sense to me. In some States person is able to whack a motherfucker until hes INSIDE the private territory. Ohh laws...

Author:  Razimus [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: House security.

i remember the early website, before houses, they said a theif could lockpick into anyones house if he's gm heheh... never was implemented... the only way to break into houses involved an exploit with standing on a mushroom or rez'ing a ghost in someone's house, but of course there was the exploit i used a few times with castles, you could teleport from 1 square to 1 square, the burning heart guild all they had was pies, so i ate some pies... this one guy had a stack of like 30k leather, i couldn't pick it up but i could craft so i crafted 30k leather worth of armor, 24 hours later the entire castle was moved a few squares over heheh...

but houses are pretty decent i guess, if you have a mule inside it and he unlocks it for you, but the one suggestion i have is that the owner can log out and log back in of their house and not be popped out of the house, or does this already happen? haven't tested it yet...

Author:  Bad Karma [ Tue May 01, 2012 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: House security.

i remember the early website, before houses, they said a theif could lockpick into anyones house if he's gm heheh... never was implemented... the only way to break into houses involved an exploit with standing on a mushroom or rez'ing a ghost in someone's house, but of course there was the exploit i used a few times with castles, you could teleport from 1 square to 1 square, the burning heart guild all they had was pies, so i ate some pies... this one guy had a stack of like 30k leather, i couldn't pick it up but i could craft so i crafted 30k leather worth of armor, 24 hours later the entire castle was moved a few squares over heheh...

but houses are pretty decent i guess, if you have a mule inside it and he unlocks it for you, but the one suggestion i have is that the owner can log out and log back in of their house and not be popped out of the house, or does this already happen? haven't tested it yet...
Yea the lockpicking trick is still described in the manual. Can send a link if anybody wants. Not sure about the castles. I know you could teleport inside using the tranceperecy, but I only could do it inside the grass thing not the actual castle.

Author:  Velner [ Tue May 01, 2012 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: House security.


The owner does not pop outside upon logging. Therefore, it's wise to have your mule own the home so he and the key never pop out.


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