Adding Remove thyself to the housing system.
That way you still have a chance to loot a home either by waiting until the player afks or leaves the home, you then can loot as much as you desire.
Or if you have an item that you specifically want, just bum rush it and grab before they remove you.
Remove thyself would balance things so that the house owner still had a chance to save his goods even if he or she isn't strong enough to remove the player physically.
At the moment, all that is needed is a group of people to band together and loot homes to ruin things. Once one stealths inside he/she can just open the door and then good luck house owner. Fighting off one pk is one thing, but 3 or 4 is another story and you can kiss your items goodbye.
Remove thyself would balance this on both sides, the group if quick enough could kill the owner, or the owner if quick enough could remove them all.
So.. Once the server picks up, a poll could be done asking players if remove thyself should be removed or not. This way players can still loot homes and house owners can save a few things or everything if they are quick enough.
If you remove house looting it will require all items to be locked down, which is a pain IMO.
And would be a first step toward a Pre-Alpha Trammel
