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 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:37 pm 
FD Staff
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Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:07 am
Posts: 208
ah I may be confusing it with magery. casting with weps drawn here, in original UO and also Second Age you could steal while holding weapons. I figured it was similar here. :O
 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:43 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:36 pm
Posts: 35
ah may be confusing it with magery. casting with weps drawn here, in original UO and also Second Age you could steal while holding weapons. I figured it was similar here. :O
Hehe. It's all good.

Anyways. Here's message to all the cry babies that may come around.

My first day here I got my stealing to 100%
I plan to use it any chance I get. I don't care about your so called honor.
I will steal from you. That is my play-style.

You can suck it up, or you can make a thread about me,
either way your loots already mine.

And don't talk to me about being bad at pvp. Because I simply don't care.
Real skillful PVP to me is 2 pure mages going at it.
I don't even like playing a dexxer, I find it incredibly dull.
but its the only option on this server unless you want a fireball fight.

Long story short:

If you can't handle a PVP thief... don't attack one.
 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:36 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:11 pm 
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Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:22 pm
Posts: 720
Damn fuck I so wish Draconis woudnt ruin PvP here so I could own that lil bitch as I did to like 10 ppl on this shard... but dayuum..this ppl were honorable duelist...and this one is a lil faggot who just steals ur aids and still uses pots/foodd cuz he cant pvp otherwise...damnit :/
Don't blame me where your lacking.

Consider the following:
No teleport-kill guards
No blessed items
No mounts
Oil flasks
Fireball Wands
Heal Potions

Did you want paralyze, flamestrikes, purple pots and mounts?

Your banana is around the corner.
 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:38 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:46 am
Posts: 296
fuck yeah scrub stealing roxx...steal it since u are worthless without ya today scrub.

ohh "ruining PvP" I meant removing scymitars which made a decent damage and sometimes u did not manage to heal and it could whack was the best weapon on the shard...

Now since they are gone (Draconis forced me and my associate remove them/give it to him and he also found out secret warehouse where we kept few and deleted them aswell) the strongest weapon avaiable is mace which is pretty slow and it still doesnt deal as much damage as scimmys did.

SO my point is that since all the fights are dex based its all about healing with aids and stealing aids cause its the only thing to heal with and then bitchign that somebody is running is fucking low. U dont have honor..ur just piece of garbage. But who cares..its the only playstyle u think u can win I will accept the challenge.

Hear ye, hear YE!

Glorious Lord Bad Karma to fight fishy coward and scum called Corpse any time!! All thee art welcome to see these bloody fights on the streets of Britain!!!


 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:07 pm 
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Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:22 pm
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ohh "ruining PvP" I meant removing scymitars which made a decent damage and sometimes u did not manage to heal and it could whack was the best weapon on the shard...

Now since they are gone (Draconis forced me and my associate remove them/give it to him and he also found out secret warehouse where we kept few and deleted them aswell) the strongest weapon avaiable is mace which is pretty slow and it still doesnt deal as much damage as scimmys did.

SO my point is that since all the fights are dex based its all about healing with aids and stealing aids cause its the only thing to heal with and then bitchign that somebody is running is fucking low. U dont have honor..ur just piece of garbage. But who cares..its the only playstyle u think u can win I will accept the challenge.
Are you actually trying to sound like a poor little victim of staff abuse? Scimitars were not supposed to be here PERIOD. When i found out they were being spawned of course i remove them. I asked you to toss the scimitars. You bitched, big time. Pretended like you couldn't understand why. And on top of it hiding more from me when you knew they weren't allowed? Next time i wont be so nice and just mass delete them via GM command instead of giving a heads-up.

You can heal with potions and magic too...

You never have anything nice to say. I let you get away with this 12 year old shit long enough.
This stops or be gone.
Stop the trolling. Its making the forums look like shit.
Last warning.
 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:13 am 

Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:46 am
Posts: 296

I am not bitching or anything. I am actually quite satisfied with your work and I respect what you do...I really do. Your work is quite fix a lot of stuff quite fast and unlike my previous shard owner, you actually give a damn about your players.

But I have also made quite a bit for the shard. I raised the action, before me it was quite dead here. And as you can see...after my arrival forum discussions were also raised quite high, which shows that shard is very active. removed the scymitars. Iirght...Im ok with it. But my point is not point is that PvP is 90 % dex based and takes few decades to kill somebody in the dex fights because both opponents heal and damage is quite weark (and no stamm drain for maces as well). My point is that there is no other ways to whack somebody besides either overgrouping him or waiting until he runs out of bandages and even then he has a lot of chanses to escape.

Corpse was unbelievably low last night. He claimed to be the best and that I ran just because I was running of bandies and couldnt continue the fight. This will never happen again...I will take all necessary precautions this time.

But you say that Im like an outlaw here...dont forget that I actually did something good for the shard...and yes, its easy to say soembodys a griever blah blah...but if you take a close its all for good. you let me get away with that 12 yearl old shit but u also let Corpse get away with him trying to extort shit from you for revealing lethal information about how to crash the server. Is it ok? Im not saying to ban this then there wouldnt be spur for me to continue playing here. But you dont seem to warn him or anything...u only accuse me. This motherfucked should be in jail for a week after u finish it.


In conclusion, melee fights take a decade or two before soembody runs out of bandages/breaks his weapon/all his armor. And by scymitars I meant unbalanced weapons. Not specifically scymitars. All other weapons sucked compared to them. So I quess you should enchanse other weapons so it will be actually possible to win in a GM vs GM 1v1 fights without somebody running out of bandages.
 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:50 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:22 pm
Posts: 720
You are bitching. Look it up HERE

Discussions might seem high by looking at the threads, but those were mostly you making a single thread for each complaint or report. As i dont play much as a player, in-game i dont have experience interacting with you but from what i read and see i could only imagine...

You really lost all my respect after helping hi-jack First Dawn's ultimaaiera thread.

Scimitars were removed not because they did to much damage, or i wanted melee to suck... i removed them because they were not era accurate and the prealpha has no animations for them. The melee system is designed to work much differently then any other era. Dont forget there is no tactics, melee wasnt really intended as the only skill one should use to PvP for damage.

Why do you keep saying PvP is 90% dex? Did you forget you can cast spells while a weapon is equipped? Let alone use fire wands without even equipping them. Mana regen is considerably fast. Oil flasks take some skill to predetermine an opponents path, as it wont instantly stop them if you last target.

You did this with Prodigalist, EXPLOIT. Dont forget who tried to hide scimitars and bitched when i wanted you to remove the containers from your bank. Wouldnt that be an exploit to? If you can do it, do it. When its fixed no complaining. Before i had removed scimitars i let players use them, until i removed them from spawning and instead of just wiping them i went around and told players to give them up.

Every active player on this shard has nothing good to say about you. Even on the forums when they post material or just want to chat you come along negative. Nearly all your posts look like a disturbed child typed them.

As for the crash, the thread was a joke. I got with him in game, he demonstrated the crash and i fixed it. No reward or advantages were given, nor will they ever be to anyone.

Why is it that nearly every player dislikes your attitude?
Why am i having to make myself look like an asshole to deal with you? i wish you'd stop making me do this.

Your a long-time vet, you should set an example. Be a leader.
 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:14 am 
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Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:36 pm
Posts: 35
Bad Karma, you are extremely lucky Draconis hasn't ended your sad existence here
with the way you carry on. Any other forum and you'd be sacked like a ton of bricks.

Draconis is extremely right when he says you make the forums look like shit.
Before I even started playing here I read through all the post and it as clear to me you are child. No grown adult that plays UO That I know and have played with in the past has ever sounded as childish and mentally deformed as you.

I've noticed anytime draconis gets tough with you you try to sound like a normal human being, but it's pretty clear to everyone this is the real you.

You are sick and I won't be replying to anymore of your troll post anymore.
good day to you sir.

To Draconis:

Sorry for helping this forum look childish and bad by replying to this cretin.
Wont happen again.
 Post subject: Re: Corpse is the biggest scrub ever playing on Enigma
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:51 am 

Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:46 am
Posts: 296
nub corpse where yo at corky :ugeek:
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